Usually delivery takes 1-3 days. The exact date of delivery of the goods will be notified to you by the online store manager when placing the order.
The Money Transfer service is paid for by the web-shop "webMagazin" according to the tariffs of the delivery service. You can pick up and pay for orders over 50 000 UAH at any New Post office or in our store.
The address delivery of an unpaid order for more than 50 000 UAH is not carried out.
If your order is sent from any city, except Kiev, to the warehouse of the company "New Mail" in your city - the cost of delivery is calculated according to the rates of the delivery service.
You must have a passport or driver's license when ordering. Only the person to whom the delivery is made can receive the paid goods.
— Payment for lifting the goods to the floor (made by courier in person)
* When calculating the cost of lifting the product takes into account the physical or volumetric weight of the order (large value). If it is impossible to lift the goods on the elevator, the cost is charged on floors.

Payment for the order
— Cash
Cash payment upon receipt of the goods is possible at all stores in the network in Ukraine. Payment is made exclusively in national currency. To confirm your payment, we issue you a merchandise check.
— Non-cash
Payment by cashless payment is made at the cash desk of any bank branch or from the account of your company. When choosing a non-cash payment method, delivery of the order is possible after the funds are deposited into our current account. or from your business account. For legal entities, a package of all necessary documents is provided.
— Payment by card on the site
Online order payment by Visa or MasterCard. Delivery of goods is possible only after payment is confirmed. You can pay for your order online with a Visa or MasterCard. Payment with payment cards is made in the following way: when placing an order on the site, you will be asked to choose a payment method. In the Payment column, you need to select "Card payment on the site". You will then be redirected to the bank's secure payment system page, where you will need to confirm your payment. Please note that only the customer whose name was listed on the website at the time of ordering can receive the goods paid for by payment card, so when receiving the order, you must have a passport with you.
— Cash on delivery (postpay)
Payment is made after checking the composition of the parcel for the compliance of the order and the check in national currency only. Please note that upon receipt of the parcel at the carrier or courier company and payment, you sign the act of acceptance, confirming the fact that the parcel is checked for compliance with your order, as well as agree with the appearance of the goods, its configuration and have no claims to an online store and a carrier company.
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