ми продаємо будівельні матеріали та надаємо додаткові послуги для людей, які будують дім або роблять ремонт. Працюємо також для оптових покупців, магазинів та будівельних фірм.
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Портативна газова плита k-203
Портативна газова плита з п'єзопідпалом к202
Обприскувач ручний «Леміра» 2,5 л
ГІЛКОРІЗ 620-950 ММ VIST Technics 71-020
Сучкоріз садовий Vist Technics 71-021
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BudImperial — Online store of building materials and services

We help you choose the right product by price, quality and quantity in person or by phone. We do not save time in consulting with clients. For example, if a person needs to decide which of the roofing materials to cover the roof or how to insulate the facade - our experts are ready to talk about all the details for as long as needed. In addition to building materials we will help to pick up accessories.

We help you choose the right product by price, quality and quantity in person or by phone. We do not save time in consulting with clients. For example, if a person needs to decide which of the roofing materials to cover the roof or how to insulate the facade - our experts are ready to talk about all the details for as long as needed. In addition to building materials we will help to pick up accessories.

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